Fleet Street
Fleet Street is a street in Dublin, Ireland on the South Bank of the Liffey and nearby College Park.
The following is a map of Fleet Street:
Network Graph
The following is a network graph tying allusions to Fleet Street:
Most Common References
In Fleet Street, there are references to James Lane Allen and Matthew Arnold.
James Lane Allen (1849-1925) was an American novelist who wrote novels set in his home state of Kentucky and characteristic, among other things, for being historically accurate.
Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) was a Victorian poet and novelist. Like many other Victorian writers, he was concerned with "enlightening the social conscious of England."
This Location in Ulysses
This location includes two allusions to writers, one of them American and the other British. While Allen was very concerned with accurately describing Kentucky, which he thought was a beautiful and wonderful state, Arnold wrestled with heavier ideals and was considered to be one of the most mature writers of his time period. Perhaps Joyce thought of Fleet Street in a literary way and thought of it as merging idealism with reality.