Christchurch Place
Christchurch Place is a street in Dublin, Ireland on the South Bank of the Liffey nearby Church Place Cathedral.
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Network Graph
The following is a network graph displaying the references present in this location:
Most Common References
In this location, references to the Matabele people and James Walshe were made.
The Matabele people, otherwise known as the Northern Ndebele people, are an ethnic group and Bantu nation in Southern Africa.
Rev. Dr. James Walshe (1803-1888) was an Irish priest and Bishop, serving in Kildare and Leighlin. Before becoming a priest he had been president of Carlow College, where he had previously worked as a professor.
This Location in Ulysses
In this location, references to a priest and an African people group were made. Walshe was well-known for writing sermons on temperance or the evils of intemperance. The Matabele people experienced a turbulent period in the late 1800s, during which they fought with the British who were colonizing Africa. Perhaps this location reminded Joyce of colonization and the need for temperance.